Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Today I want to tell you

My sweet boy
the energy of my life
today I want to tell you
as the mother's day is approaching
making me recollect the events
things that broke me into pieces
things that interfered with my motherhood
how I concealed my emotions
in order to keep you happy
how I hide my tears
in order to keep you smiling
how I maintained my strength
in order to raise you healthy
when people tell me
that I am so strong
its not really the case
your mother rather is
as fragile as the snow flakes
its only your love
that kept me going
Mercy of Allah
showered onto us

My sweet little boy
the energy of my life
today I want to tell you
how much love I have given to you
my sweet pretty  mom
who I loved the most
the love of my life
the oxygen of my body
how I had to push back
her memories from my mind
how I tackled with her grief
that was not really natural
so that I could raise you well
I could keep you warm
I had no other choice
so sorry to my mom
this is how she tackled
whatever grief came underway
so my little boy
you have to be strong
for life doesn't stop
with upsetting events
always keep yourself up
and your energies high

My sweet little boy
today I want to tell you
what you mean to me
and how I feel when you are around
you fill me up with happiness
and replace my sorrows with love
your laughter are as if
someone instilled soul in me
tomorrow you will be big
and carry on your life
your mother's prayers will always there
no matter where you go
when people ask me
what my ambitions are about you
I only want one thing from you
that you be a good human
never hurt someone
who is under a tough time
give them a helping hand
and get your share of prayers

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