This is a mother who is finally happy!
Ebrahiem, You have had 6 months of being spoiled by your mother. Now finally mama feels that she has "somewhat" learned you.
For new mothers, it is very important to know. As stated by my boss, babies know you better than you know them. It is true. Ebrahiem learnt me very fast and he knew how to get his wishes fulfilled. In returned, my 6 months job was quite frantic. I had (and still have) almost always a hungry stomach, swollen eyes, aching muscles but always a smiling face. First few months can be quite a surprise so it should not put new mothers into depression.
Motherhood is about knowing your child better and keeping him happy. Its a give-give and in return getting a "smile" journey. I don't think mothers can ever predict how their child would be afterbirth. I had my own expectations about my baby. I thought, newborns are always sleeping, needing quite few dozes of milk and little bit of diaper change. But NO. Ebrahiem was sleeping at most 8 hours a day, initially a colic baby (always crying without an obvious reason), making "dirty" diapers sometimes even 7 times a day, wanting a cuddle all the time. This doesn't make him a bad baby. Most babies have "feeling secure" as their first need so did he. What if he wanted to be in my lap 24/7, yes that resulted into "baby arm" (wrist-bone overlap), crying when I am taking him outside, resulting into getting some people furious because they get a headache hearing baby cries, upset stomach, some unknown aches (but neither baby nor mother can be blamed).
After 6 months, he has turned out to be a very social, happy, active baby. (Thanks Almighty). He seems to be most active in all the babies of his age in his creche, gets good stretches of sleep during the night (also during the day yayee), eats good, plays with mama, listen to some good stuff (rather than crazy music which he used to). In all that, yes I missed the "newborn" part because he never behaved like a newborn (newborn according to my own definition), but I have got somebody always giving me energies. I love it when he enjoys long baths, when he accidentally plays a cartoons and starts laughing at silly jokes, when he mimics me. He is very small but his needs are much more than an adult. But overall, I love this package.
My thoughts are dispersing here and there and I am not quite writing what I wanted to. Because someone else want to use the keyboard with hands and feet :) I just wanted to begin with something, now expect to write more about him.
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